Public Housing Application

Please fill out each item below and a representative will contact via email as soon as possible.



WHEREAS, the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998 requires the following in order to provide for deconcentration of poverty and income mixing by bringing higher income tenants into lower income projects and low income tenants into higher income projects "therefore,

In its assignment of units, the Authority will, to the maximum extent possible, avoid concentration of the most economically and socially deprived families in any one of all of its developments, in an attempt to achieve a broad range of incomes.  As required by the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998.

1. At least 40 Percent of families admitted during the fiscal year must not have incomes over 30 percent of the median income in the area, as defined by HUD.

2. In order to prevent and correct Concentration of the lowing income families in any one project, the Authority may skip over another family on the waiting list in order to house a family with higher income.


I have read all above information and I certify that the information given is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.  I understand that false statements or information are punishable under Federal and State Laws.  I also understand that false statements or information are grounds for denial of housing or assistance, termination of housing assistance and termination of tenancy. 

**NOTE** You are contacted by mail.  If you have ANY changes in address, you are required to come in person and make the necessary changes to an update form located in our office. 

I have no objection to inquiries for the purpose of verification of the above statement.  It is understood that the above information will be held in strict confidence.  I also understand this application is good for only twelve (12) months from the date of application.  I must renew this application each twelve (12) months thereafter, if I desire my application to remain active.  I am also authorizing release of my credit report.